To an inspiration and role model

A poem written, one slot before his last class, for arguably the best teacher who has taught me.

Break Through

We might miss breakfast, we might miss sleep
But there is a class we rush to, to hear stories so deep
Stories which on hearing, evoke a sea of smiles
Stories to last the entire day, and we are sure, all the remaining miles

The spark is unmistakable, the delight pervasive
“Hear and learn new ideas, without being dismissive”
Expands everyday, the definition of what’s possible
The kinds which blow our minds and make us go “phenomenal”

Ten minutes, ten marks and ten lines, goes the test
A sheet of paper not about the marks but the shortest and the best
How we sometimes wish we knew all the answers, be the masters
But we have learned for better, questions answer more than the answers

Sometimes we admire, sometimes we are in awe
Sometimes filled with wonder, complete with thrill of breaking the law
Nothing is sacred, nothing out of bounds
Question everything, never mind the rounds

In the end, words are so little to say what we want to
For every class we had, we wish there were more, or at least two
Stuck with inadequacy of words and of rhymes
Want to say thank you for the most memorable times

– Ishan ‘tarang’

About tarang

Business and technology journalist, geek, star gazer, foodie and loves trying out new music. And yes…loves beaches! Find me on Twitter @ishan_srivastav This blog started out as a place where I wanted to put down my thoughts on events happening in my life and sometimes, the world! But over time, it has served me well as my diary where I write my little poems…one of my favorite hobbies. I hope one of these will strike a chord with you. Feedback is always welcome. Thanks for reading! Listen to Mustn’ts, child, listen to the Don’ts. Listen to the Shouldn’ts, the Impossibles, the Won’ts. Listen to the Never Haves, then listen close to me. Anything can happen, child, Anything can be. - Shel Silverstein

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