Lying Down

(Another poem written in less than 140 characters and posted on Twitter. It is probably the most ‘impulsive’ poem I have written in quite some time. Wrote it in under a minute. I know and at the same time I don’t know why I wrote this poem. Yes, it is that confusing!)

What do I do with wisdom
Which I cannot fathom
Keeps pushing the door
Away from something I adore

– Ishan ‘tarang’

(P.S Very likely that more will come on similar lines. Perhaps this will lead to a bigger poem. Or so I hope!)

About tarang

Business and technology journalist, geek, star gazer, foodie and loves trying out new music. And yes…loves beaches! Find me on Twitter @ishan_srivastav This blog started out as a place where I wanted to put down my thoughts on events happening in my life and sometimes, the world! But over time, it has served me well as my diary where I write my little poems…one of my favorite hobbies. I hope one of these will strike a chord with you. Feedback is always welcome. Thanks for reading! Listen to Mustn’ts, child, listen to the Don’ts. Listen to the Shouldn’ts, the Impossibles, the Won’ts. Listen to the Never Haves, then listen close to me. Anything can happen, child, Anything can be. - Shel Silverstein

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