Weather the change

A bright sunny day is coming to an end
I can almost foresee the sun setting over the bend
How I wish, I basked longer in the glory
How I wish, never ending was our love story

The day suddenly feels so small
Can someone hear my anguish call?
I crave for that quenching drop
An elixir to make the time stop

Dark and hazy as far as I can see
Intimidating song and the swaying tree
Then came the first assuring drop on my hesitant neck
Felt like the first sight of land from the far deck

I try to hold the transparent threads extending to the sky
They don’t lead anywhere, however hard I try
The threads split and the drops fritter away
Ah! The futility of thoughts, of running away

I realize, true joy lies in admiring the beauty of thread’s pearls
Frees myself from the past, from its myriad curls
I can see the seven colors streaking the washed sky
And I feel ready again, ready to fly

Whatever begins, also ends
Whatever be the change, it finally blends
Every ending is a prologue for a new story
Written only by you in all your glory

– Ishan ‘tarang’

(Special thanks to Naina! :P)

About tarang

Business and technology journalist, geek, star gazer, foodie and loves trying out new music. And yes…loves beaches! Find me on Twitter @ishan_srivastav This blog started out as a place where I wanted to put down my thoughts on events happening in my life and sometimes, the world! But over time, it has served me well as my diary where I write my little poems…one of my favorite hobbies. I hope one of these will strike a chord with you. Feedback is always welcome. Thanks for reading! Listen to Mustn’ts, child, listen to the Don’ts. Listen to the Shouldn’ts, the Impossibles, the Won’ts. Listen to the Never Haves, then listen close to me. Anything can happen, child, Anything can be. - Shel Silverstein

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